Chronicles of a running hopeful...

I know pretty much everyone blogs these days, so I figured why not take a chance... I can't really take full credit for the idea to start this blog, but thanks to some great friends and their inspiration, I figured I'd give it a try. My hope is that writing this blog about my adventures in becoming a runner will help me actually enjoy becoming a runner :) My aim is to share my journey and hopefully become fantastically fit while learning to love what I know will be a great hobby for me!


ugh... 1 more week of training!

Yowza! I just realized that I only have 1 more week of training to go before THE RACE!!! YOWZA!!!!

I can't believe that my 5K is going to be in just over 1 week... I'll be running for the last time next Wednesday night, so that I can rest up before the race, and that my friends is a frightening thought!

So I have to admit that I haven't run the race in under 35 min, but I am hoping that on race day the adrenaline will be pumping, and Sarah and Miek will keep me going so that I can get it done in a great (at least for me :p) time!

Also, just FYI, I am also starting a "boot camp" at the gym that will not exactly be running, but hopefully the general conditioning part of things will help me want to run a bit more! The thought of it actually makes me a little excited about what is to come... Crazy!!!

Anyway, I'm ready to sleep, so its bed for this girl! Goodnight friends :)

1 comment:

  1. you will ROCK it. I know you will!
    Try not to worry too much about your time and just enjoy the run - and be proud that you are out there. I know I'm proud of you!
