Chronicles of a running hopeful...

I know pretty much everyone blogs these days, so I figured why not take a chance... I can't really take full credit for the idea to start this blog, but thanks to some great friends and their inspiration, I figured I'd give it a try. My hope is that writing this blog about my adventures in becoming a runner will help me actually enjoy becoming a runner :) My aim is to share my journey and hopefully become fantastically fit while learning to love what I know will be a great hobby for me!


Race Day!!!

Oh mylanta... where to start?!?!

So today was race day. First of all, this week has been quite a doozie, but last night I couldn't help but get sooo excited! It was a little surprising for me, cause I wasn't sure what it would be like when I got to the week of the race... But it was a pleasant surprise :)

This morning was pretty unreal. I was able to run the race with Sarah, a coworker and "real runner" as I like to call her. She was super sweet to come out and run at my pace, keep time for me and encourage me throughout the run. Several times we were going up a hill and I just wanted to quit, but Sarah just kept cheering me on and for that I am sooo grateful! I can't find our exact time for the race, cause they're not listed on the website yet, but we were able to complete the race in 33 min and some change... Which as you math majors can tell is under my goal of 35 min! That is truly thanks to Sarah for keeping me going! Oh wait, there we are in a little post-race pic :)

I must admit that I thought I had trained well for this race, but the farther into it I got, the more I realized that I hadn't really prepared for what it would be like! Yowza!!! It was so helpful to have Sarah and all the other super supportive runners who cheered us on while we ran along the route.

After the race we had a great post race breakfast and were able to share some great fellowship with friends! I am so blessed by my life :)

Plans for the future you ask? Well I have already heard about another 5K that will be happening on May 8th, and I'm hoping to run in that one... and then 10K in Atlanta on July 4th. I might die during that Peachtree Road Race, but hopefully it will be a lot of fun! We'll see...

But for now, here are a few other pictures for your viewing pleasure!

1 comment:

    You and Helena both beat my personal best time!!

