Chronicles of a running hopeful...

I know pretty much everyone blogs these days, so I figured why not take a chance... I can't really take full credit for the idea to start this blog, but thanks to some great friends and their inspiration, I figured I'd give it a try. My hope is that writing this blog about my adventures in becoming a runner will help me actually enjoy becoming a runner :) My aim is to share my journey and hopefully become fantastically fit while learning to love what I know will be a great hobby for me!


And so it begins.

Well here I am, just a girl, hoping to become a runner, and praying that I'll learn to love it!

So to be honest, today isn't really the beginning of this journey. The journey began on May 1, 2009, when I decided that I was done struggling with my weight. Its been a struggle ever since I can remember. Always the tallest girl around, people tried to make me feel better by saying things like, "Oh you're just build bigger" or "You're not really overweight" and for a long time I just believed them and ignored what I knew to be true. Needless to say, college came and went, and while the pounds were packed on during those years, unfortunately they didn't just disappear after graduation day. Instead the terrible eating habits I'd developed over that time just got worse, eventually coming to a head in April 2009. My mom had been encouraging me to shed some pounds, and I decided it was now or never. I had to lose weight and I had to start immediately! I had tried several programs in the past and nothing ever seemed to "stick" so I figured I'd go with my mother's suggestion and try a new place. From the moment I walked in the door I was sold. Thus began the journey that brings me to today. Not yet a year later, and 70 pounds smaller than the girl who first decided to make a change! I've been so blessed and the grace from God has been THICK, but I'm making it to my goal! I currently have 13 lbs to lose before goal #1, while my personal goal is to lose another 10 lbs after that... And this brings me to the reason for this blog.

While sharing with some friends about my hate severe distaste for exercise, in what seems to be all of its many forms, I was encouraged to try new things. I have hoped for quite a while to become a runner, but never thought I could do it. Now I feel certain that if I can only attain that elusive "runner's high" that so many speak so fondly of, I can learn to love running. So the date is set. In an effort to jumpstart my days as a runner, I have decided on my first race. Its a 5K race in my neighbor hood, called the Glory Run, whose aim is to raise money for a great school while giving God all the glory! What better way to begin, than by giving God the glory for all He's allowed me to accomplish?!?!

And so it begins. Training has officially begun. My two goals for this race are to 1- run the entire race without having to slow to a walk and 2- finish the race in under 35 minutes. I know for many runners this is a long time, but for this girl its no easy feat! The first time I was able to run the entire race route was about 2 weeks ago, and I completed it in 41 minutes. Yowza! I have to admit that I didn't know if I would ever finish that night! But thanks to my fantastic friends and sister I did! But in 41 minutes. Ugh. I didn't know what I was going to do... I am happy to report though, that last night I was able to complete the race route in just over 37 minutes. 37! Which means I have just over 4 weeks to shave at least 3 minutes off of my time. Ladies and gentleman, I'm starting my engine. Race training will never be the same... because I know that I can do this! Last night's run showed me that I'm not out of this and that my goals are within reach. Nothing a lot of hard work and sweat can't achieve.

So here we go on this journey together. I hope you enjoy my chronicles of learning to love running, and I hope that this blog will serve as a push in the right direction for me. I'm going to need that push all the way up the hill as I run :)


  1. Good for you Mary! 37 minutes is awesome. I didn't start running until last February myself and I still need a lot of inspiration. You should check "Run Til I'm Fun" on my sidebar, too.
    YOU inspire me!

  2. I love it! I just started doing a running group a couple weeks ago- basically to get myself to that same point where I might actually enjoy this torture. It's getting a little easier, but I'm still not loving it yet. I just read something the other day though which was encouraging. The leader of my running group sent this from an article called Up and Over...

    “I don't know what the failure rate is for people who start to run and then quit. Based on the e-mails I get on the topic, my guess is that it's pretty high. People start, as I did, with faulty expectations and unrealistic goals, and they fail miserably and give up. They don't stick with it long enough to get to their tipping point.

    But there is a tipping point for all of us. It may be the first time you log 25 miles in one week, or when you start to look forward to your long group run on Saturday. Or maybe it will hit you after returning from a run, realizing you never once glanced at your watch. Your tipping point is out there. If you're willing to keep looking for it and push through the tough times, you'll find it. And when you do, I promise you'll never look back. “

  3. Linds that is awesome! Just what I needed today!! Thanks!
